Brainwashed In Backwards Leather

 Brainwashed In Backwards Leather

Created by Oregonleatherboy 

Government Drones & Cigar Smoking Fat Man


Fun Submission Green & Black Spiral Video


Calm PPPimp Dreamy Relaxed


Man in a white cloud of smoke with a pendulum before his face with the words calm


Handsome naked man being hypnotized by a pendulum


Googly eyed brainwashed man being hypnotized with a pendulum and the words dreamy


In a cloud of white with a pendulum hypnotizing and the words relax


Bloody Gunshot Hole in the White Snow

 Created by Oregonleatherboy 

Design #1

Bloody Gunshot Hole
 in the White Snow

toxic waste spills in the backyard
The front yard is an alley the house is a dumpster the dumpster came full of maggots
 so we are eating them for dinner while summoning Bonzo for bedtime while the ghost of Ronald Reagan looks on with an eerie grin 
cuz the toxins have run Lake Erie thin
 so the lakes are not so great like Trump made America or was it America that made Trump?

2/4 white and black hypnotic design

3/4 Four red and white circles

4/4 White and red circles with the words "spills chemicals kills communities"